Do You Need Brake Repair? Here are Some Signs to Watch Out For

Watching out for the life and functionality of your car’s brake is vital. You don’t want the brakes to fail on you on the road. Brakes don’t fail easily unless you don’t maintain your car well. It’s important to know the signs that will tell you your brake is failing. 

One of the tell-tale signs that you are in need of brake repair in Surrey is if your brake light is on. This is your car communicating what it needs. Even before you notice the signs that your car is in need of brake repair, it will already show it through this feature. 

Also watch out for unusual noises, especially when you hit the brakes. If you can hear grinding sounds, it indicates that the brakes are struggling to function and this can mean the necessity of brake repair in Surrey

Check if the car vibrates or wobbles when you hit the brake as well. There could be some parts that have loosened up or it could mean the brake pads have worn out. Check if the brakes feel spongy as well. If it feels soft, chances are, you need to have the brake pads replaced. 

Get rid of the guessing game. If you take your car for regular maintenance, you don’t have to wonder if your brakes need to be repaired. Routine maintenance will check it for you. 

Look for an auto body shop that will help you in checking the condition of your brakes such as Visscher-Pau Automotive. 

For more details about hiring professional auto repair shops in Surrey please visit our website:


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