3 Signs You Need to Get Your Brakes Serviced Now

When it comes to regular car maintenance, brakes are a crucial component. Neglecting your brakes can lead to costly and dangerous repairs down the road. To keep your car running safely, it is important to recognize the signs that you need to get your Brake Repair in Surrey now. 1. Vibration If you feel a vibration or pulsing sensation in the brake pedal or steering wheel when you press the brakes, it could be a sign that your brakes are not working properly. This could be caused by a warped or misaligned brake rotor, which should be inspected and do Brake Repair in Surrey if necessary. 2. Pulling If you feel your car pulling to one side when you press the brakes, it could be a sign of a brake calliper problem. This means that one of the brake callipers is not releasing properly and is causing the car to pull to one side when the brakes are applied. 3. Soft Brake Pedal If your brake pedal feels soft or spongy when you press it, it could be a sign that you have air in your brake lines. ...