What Happens If You Don’t Clean Your Car’s Air Filter?



Your car’s air conditioning unit is equipped with an air filter that traps dirt and debris. Over time, they can accumulate and create a barrier on the air filter. This is why it’s important to clean it regularly. Here are things that can happen to your car if the air filter isn’t cleaned regularly:

1. Your car’s heating and cooling functions won’t work properly.

You might notice that it’s not heating up or cooling your car quite as well as before. A quick trip to your Mechanic in Surrey to have the air filter cleaned can rectify this problem.

2. You might hear odd sounds coming from the blower motor.

Since it’s struggling to pass cold or warm air, the blower motor will work harder to compensate. This is why you might hear strange noises from it. It might be humming louder than usual.

3. There’s a musty odor coming from the vents into the cabin.

When you first open the heater or air conditioner, check to see if your car is emitting a musty odor. If you can’t help but sneeze every time you turn your car’s heating and cooling system, you might need to get it checked by a mechanic in Surrey.

It’s actually a maintenance step that you need to do. It’s included in your car’s scheduled maintenance service. Air filter replacement is usually recommended by car manufacturers every 12,000 miles or every 12 months, whichever comes first. If you are not sure if you are due for an air filter change, you can have it checked by a mechanic from Visscher-Pau.

For more details about Oil Change in Surrey please visit our website: visscherpauauto.com


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